Arabian Gulf Steel Industries LLC
Dubai Hills Business Park, Building 3
Dubai, UAE

Phone: +971-25556293
Fax: +971-25556294

AGSI Receives Green Steel Certificate

On the 5th December 2023, AGSI received the GHG Certification verifying its carbon footprint at 0.2 CO2 tons per ton of steel produced making the company the lowest carbon footprint steel producer in the Middle East. This achievement was validated in an independent GHG verification statement by a third-party auditor, DNV.

The Global Head of Key Accounts from DNV, Christopher Lilholm, presented the Verification Statement to AGSI’s CEO, Asam Hussain, stating that ‘the company has made tremendous steps in the decarbonization efforts and significant progress towards the UAE’s Net Zero 2050 Strategy and the UAE’s Green Economy. AGSI has worked hard on achieving this remarkable result’.

AGSI Receives Green Steel Certificate

Accelerated Ambition

Coincided with COP28, AGSI’s announcement of its low-carbon operations supports COP28’s conclusions announced by H.E. Sultan Al Jaber on transitioning away from fossil fuels and accelerated efforts towards Net Zero Vision and having a laser focus on our North Start of keeping 1.5 within a reach.

Now we must work much faster, much smarter, and we have no option by working together’, said H.E. Al Jaber.

AGSI’s ambition is to accelerate its strategy to Net Zero in 2024. We are on the way to achieve it through the innovation and optimization of our Plants as well as additional sources of renewable energy.

AGSI’s low carbon footprint production is based on our unique operations based on key factors, namely:

  • 100% local recycled raw material (recycled steel).
  • Raw material is 100% bought and sold locally contributing to In-Country Value and Circular Economy.
  • State-of-the-art technology – Electric Induction Furnace powered by 80% renewable energy.
  • Circularity of our steel and value chain – cradle-to-cradle operation, re-use and recycle of all our waste and by-products, which underpins a circular economy.