Arabian Gulf Steel Industries LLC
Dubai Hills Business Park, Building 3
Dubai, UAE

Phone: +971-25556293
Fax: +971-25556294

produced by 2030
compared to traditional steelmaking
Net Zero
Carbon Neutral in 2023 with commitment to remain till 2035 and beyond
Migration to fully electric driven technology powered by clean energy
Technology & Innovation
Powered by Renewable Energy
Every ton of scrap used for steel production avoids the emission of 1.5 tons of CO2 and the consumption of 1.4 tons of iron ore, 740kg of coal and 120 kg of limestone, according to

ESG Mission

At AGSI, we are committed to conducting our business with the utmost respect for the environment, society, and governance principles. Our mission is to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment and society through our pursuit for net-zero carbon footprint operations and sustainably produced steel, effectively contributing to low carbon economy.

This reflects our commitment to invest in our people, innovation, and assets to ensure that we align with our ESG goals and continue to make positive contributions to the environment and communities where we operate. Our Net-Zero commitment further emphasizes our commitment to decarbonization and carbon neutrality.

ESG Values

Environmental Stewardship

The protection of the planet is at the core of our strategy. We care about the planet now and for the next generations. That’s why we strive for net-zero carbon footprint, recycling and reuse of our by product, and preventing pollution.

Social Responsibility

We ensure equitable treatment of all people and communities where we operate. We care about our people and create an environment where safety, wellbeing, fair business practices are at the forefront.

Economic Viability

We adopt economic practices that prolong long-term stability of the company to bring value to present and future generations. We adopted business model that stives to balance the needs of our stakeholders and social and environmental responsibility.

Towards Net-Zero 2025 Pledge

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On the 23rd October, 2023, AGSI proudly signed the UAE Sustainable Companies Pledge under the UAE Climate Action: Pathway to Net Zero 2025 Strategic Initiative, initiated by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOOCCAE).

This marks as an important milestone for AGSI showcasing publicly our commitment to the UAE’s drive to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 alongside other fourteen companies. The announcement of the Net Zero Strategic Initiative 2025 was the first in the MENA region and places the UEA as a climate leader.

The announcement of the Net Zero Strategic Initiative 2050 was the first in the MENA region and places the UEA as a climate leader. The transition towards net zero presents a new model of sustainable economic growth that leverages research, development, innovation, and clean technology and will act as a catalyst for investment and job creation. AGSI has sign the pledge with other thirteen companies from private sector and support the Ministry’s efforts to scale up the UAE’s action in line with the Glasgow Climate Pat, an outcome of COP26 climate conference, which requires countries to adopt higher GHG emissions reduction targets.

Our commitment to UNGC Principles & SDGs

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We are incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into AGSI strategies, policies, and procedures. By creating a culture of integrity, we not only uphold our responsibilities to people and planet, but also we are setting the stage for long-term success, with future generations in mind and protection of our planet.

Leading the way in regional climate action

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In December 2023, AGSI took active participation in the Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, UAE, to actively drive agenda for climate change together with other delegations representing public and private entities, policymakers, negotiators, business leaders, youth, females and civil society organizations.

As change-makers, we ensured that we were part of dynamic discussions and raise to meet the climate change challenge. We were honored to be part of important conversations in an arena of Sustainable Finance, Gender Diversity, Sustainable Technology & Innovation that collectively contributes to meeting the Net-Zero Vision by 2050 and take action to keep 1.5 degree warming within reach.

Through our sustainable steel operations and low-carbon footprint strategy, we demonstrated our collective action towards the ambitious vision and getting the world closer to Net-Zero by 2050.

Industrial Transition Accelerator (ITA)

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In November, 2023, AGSI joined the Industrial Transition Accelerator (ITA), a cross-sectorial initiative, led by COP28 Presidency, UN Climate Envoy, UNFCCC, that aims to accelerate delivery of Paris-aligned ambition across heavy industry, transport, and energy sectors, to collaboratively partner and activate efforts for the decarbonization of key industrial sectors.

Through ITA platform, we partner and collaborate with other players in the industry as well as technology, infrastructure, demand players, policy-makers, and financiers to execute on Paris aligned net-zero target.

By participating, we committed to accelerating that goal and endorsed set of Participation Principles, which we have already demonstrating and have implemented across AGSI, namely:

  • Net-zero transition plan to achieve Paris net zero target, utilizing 3rd party framework within 2 years
  • Demonstrate acceleration of decarbonization efforts through capital expenditure and technology deployment plans
  • Disclose on emissions and progress against targets through key disclosure initiatives

Green Steel in harmony with nature

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At AGSI, we are proud to uphold our commitment to the environment and nature where we operate.

We call it “Green Steel in Harmony with Nature: Trees for a Brighter Tomorrow”.

We know that climate change is a defining challenge of our time. As the UAE Climate Responsible company, we care about environmental where we operate and fully embrace our role as a Responsible Corporate Citizen. We take it seriously through ensuring that we put practical solutions in place that help advance towards climate change.

In 2032 alone, we planted almost 1000 trees in our Abu Dhabi Plant with a future plan to double our green garden and create a green ecosystem for our operations.

Sustainable Workforce

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Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion is at the heart of our People Strategy. But we take this a step further knowing that our people are at the core of our prosperity as a company.

Our People sustainability takes a holistic approach to human capital practices, including diversity and inclusion, wellbeing, employee safety, and fair pay.

We incorporate people sustainability metrics in our business strategy and company goals with ongoing monitoring and reporting mechanism. By investing in people-related programs, we bring the DEI to the forefront of the way we operate.

We commit to the UN Global Compact Principles 1 to 6 for Human Rights and Labor Standards which is our fundamental aspect of responsible and ethical business conduct.