Arabian Gulf Steel Industries LLC
Dubai Hills Business Park, Building 3
Dubai, UAE

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AGSI signs the UAE Climate-Responsible Pledge
AGSI signs the UAE Climate-Responsible Pledge

On the 23rd October, 2023, AGSI proudly signed the UAE Sustainable Companies Pledge under the UAE Climate Action: Pathway to Net Zero 2025 Strategic Initiative, initiated by the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOOCCAE).

This marks as an important milestone for AGSI showcasing publicly our commitment to the UAE’s drive to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 alongside other fourteen companies. The announcement of the Net Zero Strategic Initiative 2025 was the first in the MENA region and places the UEA as a climate leader.

The transition towards net zero presents a new model of sustainable economic growth that leverages research, development, innovation, and clean technology and will act as a catalyst for investment and job creation. UAE has committed to invest US$50 billion to scale up climate action in the next 10 years. And we are proud to contribute to the nation’s ambition.

The signing of the UAE Sustainable Companies Pledge took place at the Dubai Chambers of Commerce during the13th National Dialogue for Climate Ambition (NDCA).

NDCA was assembled by MOCCAE as a platform to define and raise sectoral climate ambition and advance all-inclusive participation in the UAE Net Zero by 2050 to meet the country’s international climate commitments, particularly the Paris Agreement aiming to reduce global GHG emissions to below 1.5C and achieve net zero by 2050.

NDCA engages stakeholders in many sectors, including manufacturing, cement, waste, transport, finance, steel, energy, and more, and discusses requirement, priorities, and future direction to amplify their contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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